Our Father

A friend of mine just sent me the most beautiful rendition of The Lord’s Prayer.This musical rendition sung by Andrea Bocelli will lift you from the negative energy that sometimes captures us and holds us ransom.  While I listened it caused all of the other thoughts that pepper my brain on a continuous level to cease. All I could do was listen with rapt appreciation thinking how could one not believe in a Higher Power when such lofty, such pure, such noble words were put to music and such music as I’ve never heard. It hypnotized me; it mesmerized me. We all need to believe in something or we couldn’t make it through the day. These words and the music give us something to grab ahold of. My most dear friend, Shirley, told me one time that her faith came down to only two words, “Our Father”. It told me so much about her and all that is beautiful in her and our friendship. She is sometimes a woman of few words but the ones she shares say so much.

When you are tired from lack of sleep, when you are grieving over the loss of a beloved pet, when you don’t know how you are going to pay your electric bill, when your marriage is falling apart, when your children don’t treat you with the love and respect you deserve, when you feel hopeless and suicidal, when your world is tumbling down around you and you cannot see even a glimmer of the light at the end of the tunnel, take a minute to listen to this. You will not fail to be uplifted.

You don’t have to be Christian.  You don’t have to be straight or gay, black or white, you don’t have to even believe in a life hereafter or the difference that one man made in the world that has wrapped a cloak of comfort and love around us. It is enough that He believes in us even when we don’t believe in Him.

Somewhere in your world, someone is carrying a load so much heavier than your own. It is so easy to fall in to self-pity, to feel victimized by our problems. But that avails us nothing. Positive energy lifts us up; negative energy tears us down.  I remind myself so often of the adage,  I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. And I am saddened and ashamed of my own self-pity at times. When you think that this great singer, Andrea Bocelli, is blind, we are humbled by his noble voice. What a waste that we should grieve over petty things. Look up, look around you, breathe deeply, think of the blessings you do have and just know they were given you by Our Father.

And be sure to listen to this.



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